Monday, January 17, 2011


I really don't have anything deep and meaningful to write about at the moment. Reason being, I'm on holiday. Waterskiing does not lend itself to philosophy.

As I have nothing particularly interesting to write about, I'll write about something which is quite important to me - my life. And basically, what's been happening in it.

Before I begin, this post is dedicated to a very special Caitlin B :)

My family (Mum, Dad and I) plus one of my two best friends Caitlin B have journeyed forth from Wellington on an annual camping trip. Usually it's just my family and I (except last year, when I had my other best friend Elisha and our mutual friend Garth) but this year Caitlin has happily accompanied us. We have settled in our usual spot near Lake Atiamuri, 40 minutes north of Taupo in the North Island. Well, kind of. I said this was a camping trip, right? I lied. In previous years we have free-camped off the lake on a farm, but the farm manager (who's a total prick) threatened our safety so much last year that we can't go back. He put the bulls in our field and fenced them into a 50-metres-squared area with us. Have you ever been camping with a herd of bulls? It's not enjoyable. Or safe. Anyway, this year we're in a house, loaned to us by some people we met last year. So here we are in a house.

While we're here we do many things. The whole family waterskis, for a start (except Mum). Dad is best - he can barefoot waterski, although mostly he just slaloms REALLY well (slalom is waterskiing on one ski). I learnt to slalom last year so I'm still getting the hang of it. Caitlin had never been waterskiing until she arrived with us three days ago - she is getting her confidence up on two skis. We also swim and drive boats. Caitlin and I watch movies and play on the tire swing in the town square.

All in all it is a very enjoyable holiday.

The only problem is that it's so damn tiring! Waterskiing is very physically demanding which is why I want to go to sleep even though it's only 10:38am and also why I can't be bothered finishing this post properly.

The end.

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