Sunday, January 2, 2011

Why Holidays Suck.

I'd estimate that approximately 99.99% of the world's teenage population prefer holidays to school. I mean, what's not to like about holidays? You can do whatever you want. Catch up with friends, watch heaps of TV, visit other parts of the country (or world) and basically catch up on some well-deserved R&R.

Sadly, however, there still remains the extra 0.01%, who find school much more enjoyable than holidays. I feel very, very sorry for those people. Mainly, because I'm one of them.

GASP! I know. Incredible isn't it? As well as illogical and stupid, of course. But on the whole I find having my time occupied much more enjoyable than being left to my own devices. But for the first week of the holidays, I'm having the time of my life - internet and TV, 24/7. But after that first week my downtime takes a negative turn. I've seen all the interesting programs, played all the interesting games - now what? Well, nothing. I just have to go on playing the same games and watching reruns for the other 5 weeks. What a waste of time! In those five weeks I could have learnt to speak fluent Spanish. As it is, I'm stuck on a chair, bored and completely Espanol-less.

As a mathematical equation, holidays = monotony. While school might be boring, at least there's a bit of variety in the boringness. With holidays it's just the same thing over and over again. What's more, it's the same ENJOYABLE thing over and over again. Which makes it no longer enjoyable. At least the topics at school were unenjoyable to begin with. Another reason why holidays suck - they ruin enjoyable things as surely as Novel Study ruins whichever Novel we're Studying.

In conclusion, holidays suck. The end.

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